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This page outlines most of the symbols, functions, structures, and libraries you’ll need. Let me know if there’s something I need to add!

Symbols and Characters

Symbol Name Use(s)
' or " quotes hold strings
''' or """ triple quotes hold multi-line strings (aka literals), comment out multiple lines of code
, comma separates items in lists
: colon goes at the end of lines starting with def, if, for, while, etc.—indicates that next line will be indented
# hash, hash mark, hashtag comments out a single line of code
() parentheses, round brackets after functions, hold function parameters
[] square brackets hold lists, used for indexing
{} braces, curly brackets, squiggly brackets hold dictionaries
= equals sign assign a value to a variable
== double equals check whether two values are equal
_ underscore used (rarely) in variable names as a space

Basic Functions

Print statements


Program output:

(blank line)


print('Hello, world!')
print([5, 8, 13])

Program output:

Hello, world!
[5, 8, 13]


print('My first sentence.', end=' ')
print('My second sentence.')

Program output:

My first sentence. My second sentence.

Input statements

name = input('What is your name? ')
  • name is a variable that will save the input
  • input() waits for the user to hit Enter, then returns everything typed before that
  • 'What is your name? ' is a prompt for the user

Range function

Creates a temporary list of numbers

range(5)      # produces 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
range(6, 11)  # produces 6, 7, 8, 9, 10



age = 37
if age > 18:
    print('Please go vote!')

Program output:

Please go vote!

if + elif

secretNumber = 17
guess = 23
if guess < secretNumber:
    print('Too low!')
elif guess > secretNumber:
    print('Too high!')

Program output:

Too high!

if + elif + else

roll = random.randrange(1,7)
if roll == 1:
    print('Advance 1 space.')
elif roll < 5:
    print('Advance 2 spaces.')
    print('Advance 1 space and roll again.')

Program output:
(assume randrange returned a 5)

Advance 1 space and roll again.

Comparison statements

    • A == B checks if A and B are equal
    • A < B checks if A is less than B, and <= checks if A is less than or equal to B
    • A > B and A >= B check if A is greater than B, or greater than or equal to B
    • A in B can check a list B for an item A, or check a string B for a character or substring A


  • while loops repeat under certain conditions (using similar comparison statements as conditionals)
  • for loops repeat for a certain set of things—usually using a string or a list

While loops

beat = 1
while beat <= 4:
    print(str(beat) + '-ee-and-uh')
    beat += 1

Program output:


In this loop, beat is the sentinel variable. Notice that beat was defined on the first line, was part of the looping condition, and got modified in the body of the loop. Those are all necessary features of a sentinel variable!

For loops

for letter in 'haberdashery':
    print(letter + '~', end='')

Program output:



animals = ['zebra', 'yeti', 'X-ray fish', 'wildebeest', 'viper']
for animal in animals:
   print(animal[0].upper(), 'is for', animal)

Program output:

Z is for zebra
Y is for yeti
X is for X-ray fish
W is for wildebeest
V is for viper


for x in range(10):
    print(x**2, end=' ')

Program output:

0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 


Functions can be used to store blocks of code that you want to use repeatedly. Unlike loops, functions can be reused at any time and in any order.

Defining a function

def interruptingFrog():

The def tells Python that you are defining a new function named interruptingFrog(). The empty parentheses are important (and they won’t always be empty!). Anything indented below that def line will be considered part of the function.

Calling a function


Program output:


Function input

def multiply(n1, n2):
    product = n1 * n2

multiply(5, 7)

Program output:

  • n1 and n2 are parameters
  • when you call multiply, it requires two inputs

Function output

def getDirection():
    directions = ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W']
    direct = input('What direction do you want to go? ')
    while True:
        if direct not in directions:
            direct = input('Please enter N, S, E, or W: ')
            return direct
  • return outputs to the program (invisible), where print outputs to the console (visible)
  • return can break out of an otherwise infinite loop!


Defining a list:

soup = ['bean chili', 'clam chowder', 'French onion soup', 
        'butternut squash bisque']


Checking if a certain item is on a list:

print('gazpacho' in soup)

Program output:



Looping through a list:

for s in soup:
    print('Yum, a nice hot bowl of ' + s + '!')

Program output:

Yum, a nice hot bowl of bean chili!
Yum, a nice hot bowl of clam chowder!
Yum, a nice hot bowl of French onion soup!
Yum, a nice hot bowl of butternut squash bisque!


Indexing a list:


Program output:

clam chowder

(Remember that indexing starts at 0.)


Defining a dictionary:

MAwinter = {'October': 'cold and windy and rainy', 
            'November': 'cold and windy',
            'December': 'cold and hopefully snowy',
            'January': 'just cold',
            'February': 'extra cold and windy',
            'March': 'cold and snowy'}


Indexing a dictionary:


Program output:

just cold

(Use keys to access values.)


Checking if a certain item is in a dictionary:

mon = 'March'
if mon in MAwinter:

Program output:

cold and snowy


Looping through a dictionary:

for month in MAwinter:
    print('In ' + month + ', the weather is ' + MAwinter[month] + '.')

Program output:

In October, the weather is cold and windy and rainy.
In November, the weather is cold and windy.
In December, the weather is cold and hopefully snowy.
In January, the weather is just cold.
In February, the weather is extra cold and windy.
In March, the weather is cold and snowy.


Provides functions for randomness.

  • randrange() takes the same parameters as range() but returns a single random value from the range
  • randint() takes two parameters, a min and a max, and returns a random integer between min and max (inclusive)

Offers color and formatting capabilities for printing to the console. Check out my demonstration of termcolor.

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